Dubai 13 March 2018: Rumman has been officially ruled out from the remaining HBL PSL tournament last evening.
Errol Alcott, the Islamabad United physio has been in discussion with the knee specialist who has reviewed Rumman here at Saudi German Hospital, and they've concluded that while he has improved a lot, his knee is not holding up to the heavy load on landing impact on the knee whilst bowling and that he should take a rest to recover completely.
A media release from Islamabad states, "It is important to ISLU that the general well being of its players and their future success in their cricket endeavours is maintained, so while we are disappointed for Rumman in not being with us for the remainder of the HBL PSL 2018 tournament, we know getting him to rest is the right thing to do. We wish him the best of luck for the rest of 2018."