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PCB clarifies misleading information about club registration and membership fee

Lahore, 12 March 2021Pakistan Cricket Board on Friday clarified misleading information about club registration and membership/player registration fee.

The PCB said under the previous domestic structure, club registration and membership/player registration fee was also part of the Model Constitution of District/Zonal Cricket Association approved by the PCB Board of Governors in June 2015.

Following observations and feedback from various club owners that consistent payments were not being made as per Articles 9(a)(iv) and Article 9(b)(i) (both reproduced below), necessary corrections were made.

These corrections now reflected in the updated Club Affiliation and Operations Rules 2021  (reproduced below), which is available under Documents/Model Constitutions/Club Affiliation and Operations Rules on the PCB corporate site.

Article 9 (a) (iv) of the Model Constitution of District/Zonal Cricket Association approved by the PCB Board of Governors in June 2015 read as: “Deposit a provisional registration fee amount PKR2,500 or as may be determined by the Board from time to time, in the Bank Account of the concerned District/Zonal Cricket Association.”

Article 9 (b) (i) of the Model Constitution of District/Zonal Cricket Association approved by the PCB Board of Governors in June 2015 read as: “Deposit the annual subscription fee amounting to PKR1,500 as many be determined by the Board from time to time, in the Bank Account of the concerned District/Zonal Cricket Association.”

The revised Articles under Club Affiliation and Operations Rules 2021 now read as:

Article 4(1) - Any Club desirous of being recognized and affiliated with the Association as a member shall apply through the prescribed form along with payment of a non-refundable Registration Fee of Rs5,000

Article 5(e) - has submitted an undertaking by the Voting Members to pay the Annual Membership Fee of Rs5,000

Article 12(1) - Every player desirous of playing for a Club shall register with the Association as a player upon payment of a one-time registration fee of Rs.250, or as may be prescribed by the General Body of the Association from time to time

Article 16(1) - Each Club shall deposit an Annual Subscription Fee as follows or as may be revised by the General Body of the Association from time to time, by 30 June of each year.

i)    Rs5,000 for an Affiliate Member

ii)   Rs7,500 for an Associate Member;

iii)  Rs20,000 for a Full Member.

The PCB is disappointed and disturbed that some misleading and factually inaccurate information is being circulated that is causing confusion and misunderstanding to the club owners.

The simple and straightforward fact is since the Cricket Associations and City Cricket Associations are presently in the process of being restructured, as part of club registration process, the PCB is only collecting registration fee. Funds collected from the registration fee will be transferred to the Cricket Associations and later to the City Cricket Associations in due course.

After the City Cricket Associations have been set-up, they will independently collect annual subscription and player registration fee as per the following structure, which will be reinvested into cricket:


Registration fee


Annual subscription

One-time player

Registration (PKR250 per player for 18 players)

Total (first year)
















After first year, the clubs will only pay annual subscription as per their status and cost of any additional player (PKR250 per player) who is registered by the club.