BoG remains the PCB’s supreme body
- The PCB has proposed routine amendments to the existing delegation of authority and powers as per Article 13 of the PCB Constitution
- The BoG has the authority and powers to either approve or reject all or some of the management’s recommendations
Lahore, 31 March 2019: The Pakistan Cricket Board today reiterated as per Article 12* of the PCB Constitution 2014, the Board of Governors (BoG) remained its supreme body, while under Article 13* of the Constitution, it had the powers to delegate its authority to the senior management for the day-to-day operational functioning of the organisation.
Dawn newspaper dated 31 March 2019, said it had shared an updated and revised Authority Matrix 2019 with the BoG last week for their feedback, comments and approval, as there had been structural and management changes since 2014 when the BoG had last approved the delegation of its authority.
The Authority Matrix 2014 had been attached as an annexure with routine amendments to the Authority Matrix 2019 for reference, background and better understanding of the BoG.
The PCB to date has been operating under the Authority Matrix 2014.
The new proposed Authority Matrix 2019 sets out exercise of authority at various functional levels of PCB management. This was essential as, after the BoG had approved the creation of the new post of the Managing Director, the day-to-day operations had to be redefined and clarified.
This is in line with BoG’s desire to separate the Chairman’s functions from those of the Managing Director (Chief Executive-designate), which were viewed as a conflict.
The essence and spirit of the proposed Authority Matrix 2019 are to run the business in line with transparent and good governance practices where the Chairman oversees policy-making, and the Managing Director and other officers of the Board are responsible for the delivery of all policies.
The BoG’s powers are enshrined in the PCB constitution, which empowers the BoG to itself delegate its authority to any officer of the Board in accordance with Article 13 of the Constitution.
In fact, under the new proposed Authority Matrix 2019, some powers already given to the Chairman by the PCB constitution have been proposed to be distributed amongst other officers as a measure of good governance.
*Article 12 of the PCB Constitution 2014, which deals with Powers, duties and functions of the Board of Governors, some of the key responsibilities include:
- Formulate regulations, codes, operation manuals and to devise policies relating to efficiency, discipline and recruitment or any other matters for the players, player support personnel, Board's employees or those affiliated with or controlled by the Board;
- Take effective measures for carrying out the objects, powers and functions of the Board;
- Elect the Chairman of the Board in accordance with Paragraph 7 of this Constitution;
- Manage the affairs of the Board and ensure that the provisions of this Constitution, Rules, Regulations and Bye-laws of the Board are duly adhered to;
- Ensure that the programmes formulated and resolutions passed by the Board of Governors or General Body are faithfully carried out;
- Submit an annual report in respect of its activities for consideration of the General Body;
- Approve the annual or supplementary budget estimates of the Board and of the Election Commissioner's office;
- Approve the annual audited accounts of the Board and present the same in the Annual General Meeting;
- Control and oversee income and expenditure of the Board;
- Control and manage the affairs of the stadia, sports complexes, gymnasia and grounds under its charge, directly or through committees or officials of the Board;
- Take any other financial, administrative or management decision and measures required for effective functioning and operation of the Board;
- Exercise such powers and functions contemplated for the Board of Governors by this Constitution, Rules or Regulations;
- Take such other steps as may be necessary and expedient to carry out the objects and functions of the Board in matters not covered by this Constitution, Rules, Regulations and bye laws.
**Article 13 of the PCB Constitution, which deals with Delegation of powers and functions by the Board of Governors, reads as:
(1) The Board of Governors may, subject to such conditions and limitations as it may deem fit to impose, delegate its powers or functions to the Chairman or one or more of its members or any other officer of the Board, except the power to:
(a) approve the annual or supplementary budget of the Board or the Election Commissioner's office
(b) approve the annual audited accounts;
(c) make, amend, modify or repeal Rules and Regulations under section 5 of the Ordinance.
(2) A delegation of powers and functions under this paragraph shall not be construed as preventing the Board of Governors from concurrent exercise of powers or performance of functions so delegated.